Sale and Leaseback

Sale and Leaseback

Sale and Leaseback Monitor your fleet costs, reduce your risk, manage your fleet and increase your funds by an immediate cash injection into your business.

You have decided to optimise your car fleet cost. You also want to concentrate your effort and your investment in your core activity. Car Lease 4 U™ (Sale and Leaseback) proposes that you remove the assets (car depreciation) from your balance sheet. Car Lease 4 U™ (Sale and Leaseback) will provide a cash injection into your business to develop it.

Under a Sale & Lease Back arrangement you sell the vehicles to Car Lease 4 U™ (Sale and Leaseback) for an agreed price and these same vehicles are leased back to you. Vehicles under operational lease contract are not recorded on the balance sheet thereby improving your company gearing ratios. Contract a full fleet management services (maintenance, tyres, fuel and insurance) to monitor your overall expenses.

Your advantages:

  • Release the capital tied up in vehicles you already own outright by transferring them to a operational lease contract.
  • Outsource the fleet management and reduced your internal administration costs.
  • Transfer your vehicle residual value risk.
  • Entrust the management on maintenance, tyres, and insurance.

Driver benefits:

  • No impact to your drivers, they continue in their vehicles.
  • No administration hassle on maintenance or tyres.
  • Better assistance with their daily mobility.
  • Any breakdown will be handled by a simple call to us.

Our expertise to monitor you fleet is your best guarantee to move ahead. Car Lease 4 U™ (Sale and Leaseback) will go a step further to build up an economic model for your fleet, based on cost savings, a green fleet as well as your drivers satisfaction.”

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