Five Types Of People Who Never Succeed At Work
Every office is sure to have such category of people. If you are their boss or mentor, then you tend to get annoyed at them every day. Its not very easy to segregate them from the successful ones. There are many types of people and you are sure to find these people or hand pick them in your department. Think over it and you would be wondering how to make out those people in the department or in the organisation who never tasted success. They are people
1.The victim. Victims are tough to identify because you initially empathize with their problems. But, as time passes, you begin to realize that their “time of need” is all the time. Victims actively push away any personal responsibility by making every speed bump they encounter into an uncrossable mountain. They don’t see tough times as opportunities to learn and grow from; instead, they see them as an out.
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2.The Liar. Not all people working along with the boss are competent to take up the
work. But those who cannot do it, lie about it. These people are often not honest in their dealings and tend to hide the facts covering up the reality. For instance when the boss requests his subordinates about the new project, if a wrong impression is given that everything is good then it wouldn’t help the progress. These people talk about things that the boss wants to hear.
3.The short-changed. The short-changed are quick to blame their lack of accomplishment on a lack of opportunity. While a lucky break may put a little wind in a successful person’s sails, they got where they are through hard work. What the short-changed don’t realize is that their attitude is what’s short-changing them, not their circumstances.
4.The gossip: Gossipers are people who feel insecure. These people do not speak out facts but rather twist the truth. As this information gets passed on, facts are wrong and due course hurts. Some people are cause for distractions within the team. Their thoughts are negative and spread rumours.
5.The aggressive: There are other categories of people who tend to be aggressive in their approach towards their counterparts. They have tendency to show this nature to subdue the others. Such people are always angry or show anger in every aspect that does not match their opinions or liking. Having this attitude or personality is not favourable for getting up the corporate ladder.
Of course, if you have anymore questions about Five Types Of People Who Never Succeed At Work , we’re more than happy to help. Our friendly and helpful staff are only a phone call away on 028 7122 8822 . Or contact us online here.
Five Types Of People Who Never Succeed At Work